Join The Board of Directors

September 28, 2020

Nominate yourself or a member. Help steer our Club through the next two years!

In order to qualify for a nomination to a Board Position, a nominee must be a member in good standing for two years.


Upcoming Positions for Re-Election


  1. The Secretary shall take the minutes of the meetings of The Ebell of Los Angeles and the Board of Directors.
  2. The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of minutes for The Ebell of Los Angeles.
  3. The Secretary shall attend to correspondence for which other provisions have not been made.
  4. The Secretary shall have other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

Director of Finance

  1. The Director of Finance shall advise and assist the accounting department in all matters pertaining to finances.
  2. The Director of Finance shall make the financial report at all Board meetings.
  3. She shall call a budget meeting with the Finance Committee, and/or members of the Board, after the audit is completed.
  4. She shall make all motions for the withdrawal or transfer of money from one account to another.
  5. She shall verify the requisition vouchers and approve all checks before they are presented for signatures.
  6. She shall be advised of the due dates of all taxes and verify their payment.
  7. She shall be advised of the maturity dates of loans and see that the loans are either paid or renewed on or before the maturity dates.
  8. She shall be advised of portfolio issues and shall review all insurance policies at least one time during each administration.
  9. She shall be advised by the Director of Scholarships and/or Director of Rest Cottage Association pertaining to investments of those endowments.
  10. The Director of Finance and the Treasurer shall follow-up promptly any action taken by the Board of Directors pertaining to finances.
  11. In the case of the absence from the city or disability of the Chair of Finance, the Treasurer shall assume the above-mentioned duties.
  12. The Finance Committee shall be composed as follows: Executive Committee, as well as the Director of House, Director of Programs and Finance Director Emeritus. (6/21/18)

Director of Historic Collections

  1. The Director of Historic Collections will form a Committee comprised of members with expertise in the following areas: Costume and Textile, Pianos and Music, Fine Art, Clocks, Furnishings, Library and Archives.
  2. The Director of Historic Collections will make regular reports to the Board. These reports will include advice about the need for asset preservation and a list of priorities that the Board will consider in making their decisions for preservation and restoration. Each of the committee members may appoint a committee to help them with their work. The President, Director of Development, and the Director of House and Grounds shall be ex officio members of the committee.
  3. The Director of Historic Collections will work with the curators of Ebell collections and her Committee to complete and update a detailed inventory of the Ebell assets and will present such inventory to the Board of Directors. This inventory will be used for insurance purposes and will be updated on an annual basis.
  4. The Director of Historic Collections and her Committee will oversee work done by the Costume Council, the Archivist, Historian, and Librarian.
  5. The Director of Historic Collections will be responsible for the upkeep and wellbeing of everything on campus that is not permanently affixed to the building. In addition to the areas listed in #1 above. This will include: rugs, paintings, sculpture, seating, silver, objects d’art, and contents of the basements.
  6. This Committee is not responsible for office equipment, objects in the Theatre, or anything in the Gardens.
  7. The Director of Historic Collections will work closely with the Director of House, Theatre and Grounds to ensure that the Ebell building and its assets are adequately maintained.
  8. For donations to The Ebell, please see Policy for Prospective Donations.

Director of House and Grounds

  1. The Director of House and Grounds shall serve as an advocate for the condition of the Ebell of Los Angeles building and grounds and to the Board and Membership.
  2. The Director of House and Grounds, with her Committee, oversees preservation and restoration of the building, the garden and the Theatre.
  3. The House and Grounds Director and her Committee assist in retaining, organizing, researching and documenting historic conditions of the Ebell.
  4. The Director of House and Grounds is responsible for initiating needed projects and overseeing their scope of work, conforming with the guidelines of the Secretary of Interior’s standards for preservation, and paying particular interest to the original color pallet and the sub-structures of the original design.
  5. The Director of House and Grounds shall serve as a member of the Historic Collections Committee and shall confer with that committee in dealing with collections.
  6. The Director of House and Grounds is responsible for formulating an effective committee that will contain members who are versed in many aspects of architecture, design, construction, history and decoration.
  7. The Director of House and Grounds will ensure that the cleaning protocol of surfaces and paint techniques is followed.

Director of Publications

  1. The Director of Publications shall be the Editor of the Magazine and Directory/Yearbook. She shall have entire charge of publication of the Magazine and Yearbook, and arrange for their printing and distribution. Prior to printing, she shall send printed materials to the President for her review. She shall assemble all Magazine and Yearbook copy for the printer.
  2. The Board of Directors of The Ebell of Los Angeles shall have the option at its discretion, of accepting as an addition to the monthly Magazine, select advertisers to assist in defraying the costs of publication and mailing. The Director of Publications shall supervise such program.
  3. The Director of Publications may be charged with responsibility for other Ebell methods of communication, as needed, such as overseeing all elements of a website rebuild or of a website, including content.

Director of Public Relations  (Approved 10/19/17)

  1. The Director of the Public Relations Department shall provide input and expertise to support the activities of the Club through public relations including the use of a variety of marketing channels and social media to promote the ideals and events of The Ebell of Los Angeles. The responsibilities of the Director of the Public Relations Department shall include:
  • Working with the Staff to promote awareness of The Ebell of Los Angeles and its activities with the goal of increasing membership and attendance.
  • Collaborating with various Ebell of Los Angeles Departments, Committees, and staff to support their endeavors and further the goals of The Ebell of Los Angeles;
  • Creating awareness of The Ebell of Los Angeles and its activities by purchasing advertising in various media sources, including but not limited to online and print media, and drafting and circulating press releases on The Ebell of Los Angeles and its activities to media contacts and other potentially interested contacts, including but not limited to academic institutions and other non profit organizations.
  • Collaborating with staff members to create and develop community partnerships through comprehensive public relations activities including social media, image and branding, and marketing programs.
    Working with the Staff to develop content for the Ebell website and contributing content ideas tor the Ebell’s social media.
  • Collaborating with staff members in the use and management of Ebell of Los Angeles social media accounts;
  • Working with the Staff in devising creative marketing strategies for the Ebell of Los Angeles and its activities to expand the institution’s reach including, but not limited to, diversification in its publicity efforts.
  • Participating in the promotion of Ebell Club activities; and
  • Performing other duties as may be assigned.
  • The Director of the Public Relations Department shall convene a Committee to support the efforts of the Public Relations Department and encourage leadership opportunities.

Director of Scholarship

  1. It is the policy of Ebell that all scholarship grants to students are outright gifts and no repayment is expected or anticipated.
  2. The Director of Scholarship and her Committee set the qualifications for prospective recipients, review the applications and interview the applicants. The Director and her Committee follow up to ensure that the terms and conditions of the scholarship are upheld prior to any funds being disbursed. All checks shall be signed by the Director and one authorized signer.
  3. The Director is the authorized (insured) Ebell member to deal with the student from the moment the acceptance letter from the Director is sent.
  4. The Director and Investment Subcommittee members meet with the fund manager and oversee the investment policy.
  5. The Director and committee members plan and host the Awards Night and Scholars Breakfast events.
  6. The Ebell auditor is to be paid from the Scholarship Endowment funds for a prorated share of the yearly audit; also, the prorated monthly Ebell office expense is to be paid from same funds.
  7. The Scholarship Director shall give an annual report to the Club.


For more information contact Beate Kessler, Chair of Nominating Committee,  at