Members Only

Confab in Person

October 9, 2024

4:00 PM

What is a Campus Confab, you ask? It’s an Ebell gathering of the minds; just us, a convention of talents, ideas and our own fabulous selves. A get together of personalities perched and snacking with no greater purpose than the camaraderie of friends, old and new. What will come of it? Everything!

The Confab Motto: “No Friendship is an Accident” – O.Henry

Ticket Info

4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

For Ebell Members – Reservations are appreciated but not required.

Members Only
Ticket Info
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Contact Information
If you have questions about this event, please email:
The Ebell of LA
4400 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90005
FREE parking: East and West Lots as well as Lucerne Boulevard