The Ebell of Los Angeles

A testament to women’s empowerment. Our rich history and commitment to the cultural and social advancement of women continue to be an inspiration for the women of Los Angeles.

Ebell By the Numbers

Discover the ways The Ebell is mission-driven — committed to cultural enrichment, community engagement and the advancement of women.

Our FY23-24 impact at a glance:

This season, Ebell programs included
original productions, such as The
Everywhere of Her, a music-drama
performance-based work about iconic
LA women, offered free of charge to


This season, over 19,000 community members visited The Ebell, attending a wide array of innovative programming.

women-focused programming

The proudly dedicated 96% of its programming to women-focused initiatives, showcasing the incredible talents and stories of female artists and leaders.

Partner Organizations

More than 50 partner organizations have collaborated with The Ebell, leveraging shared goals to enhance community impact.


Our membership has grown to over 600 members, showcasing the strong community interest in our cultural and educational programming.


Our members' tireless
ambition for positive impact contributes to a legacy of service and

Our Impact
Arts & Culture
A Historic Space
for Arts & Culture

The Ebell's iconic and historic venue is a dedicated space for the arts, hosting over 150 events annually. This includes performances and lectures that celebrate and amplify women's contributions to culture and society.

Engaging the Community

Annually, The Ebell welcomes over 19,000 visitors and members, providing a wide range of events that inspire and entertain. The Ebell remains a cornerstone of cultural engagement in Los Angeles.

A Vision for
the Future

The Ebell is committed to evolving its programming and its spaces to meet the changing needs of the community, continuing in its role as a dynamic force for empowerment, storytelling and culture.

Our Impact

At the heart of The Ebell’s mission is the support of student scholars through scholarships and mentorship, aiding promising students in pursuing higher education and achieving their dreams.

The Ebell Insitute

The Ebell Institute exists to cultivate dialogue around Women’s History in Los Angeles and is grounded in the belief that “one cannot be what one cannot see.

Original Productions

The Ebell of Los Angeles is renowned for its original productions, which blend music, dance, and theater to explore diverse and powerful narratives. These innovative performances celebrate a wide array of voices and experiences, creating immersive and thought-provoking experiences for audiences.

The Ebell Institute
“One Cannot Be What One Cannot See.”

Founded in 2023, The Ebell Institute is founded on the idea that “one canont be what one cannot see” and therefore seeks to develop public knowledge of both historical Los Angeles women who build the city as we know it today, and modern scholars, artists, creators who are trailblazing in their respective fields.

The Ebell Institue includes six initiatives

An Annual Symposium
Artist and Scholar in Residence
Open Access to The Ebell Collections
Living HERstory
Docent Tours
Oral History Project

The Ebell Women’s Symposium aims to enrich public awareness of the historical Los Angeles women who have played pivotal roles in shaping our city culturally, politically, socially and beyond.

Community Engagement
Campus Spaces

In FY22-23, The Ebell hosted 10,097 members of the public at Ebell-produced and co-presented programs; additionally, we provided service and space to 2,350 community members at nonpublic events/meetings/classes:

Ebell Produced Programs

(5,700 community members): 2700 elementary school students: 80% Latinx, 10% African American, 5% Asian American/Pacific Islander, 5% White and Other; 70% are Title I.

3,000 Adult Attendees

80% female, 50% White, 20% African American, 10 Asian American/Pacific Islander, 10% Latinx, 10% Other.

Co-presented with Partners Programs

(4,397 community members): 60% women, 25% seniors, 35% White, 25% African American, 25% Latinx, 10% Asian American/Pacific Islander, 5% Other.


to other nonprofits for nonpublic events and meetings (2,350 community members): 35% Latinx, 30% White, 25% African American, 10% Asian American/Pacific Islander.

Wilshire Ebell Theater audiences

(65,000 community members): 25% Latinx, 25% White, 20% African American, 20% Asian American/Pacific Islander, 10% Middle Eastern and Other.

Our Partners Help Us Create Lasting Change

We are stronger when we work together, building community through deep and sustained collaboration with one another and like-minded organizations

We partner with a network of organizations that are working to uplift Los Angeles through arts, education, service, and civic engagement. These organizations have demonstrated a commitment to empowering women, building bridges between communities, and advancing cultural engagement and learning for all Angelenos.

Together we advance our shared goals.

Service to Others

We celebrate a spirit of giving. We are women supporting women.

Rest Cottage Association

Each year, The Ebell awards scholarships to outstanding and qualified students pursuing college degrees in law, social work, education and the arts

The Ebell/Flint Scholarship Program