Rest Cottage Association
The Ebell Rest Cottage Association (RCA) started in 1918 as an actual cottage for women to convalesce and over time has evolved into a grant making endowment. The RCA Committee has a dual purpose: to oversee the management of its endowment, and to perform the due diligence involved in making grants to charities that help women and their children in Los Angeles County. RCA also sponsors a luncheon each spring to honor grant recipients.
Membership in the RCA is open to all Ebell members for a modest sum of $12 a year. Members meet once a month, on the second Monday of the month. In addition, the Ebell Social Services Committee works side by side with the RCA to provide volunteer and material assistance to the charities it supports, in keeping with RCA’s motto “relief, compassion and action.”
For more information contact Julie Barkan at (323) 931-1277 or email