As a member and women-led organization,

your support ensures the future viability and vibrance of The Ebell.

Your Support

We need you to fulfill our mission. Your engagement, passion, creativity, and involvement propel The Ebell ensuring our ability to continue to create space for women for generations to come.

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Preserving Historical Treasures

Ebell Friends is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charitywhose charitable purpose is to provide support for thepreservation, restoration and maintenance of the historicEbell of Los Angeles’ campus, grounds, collections and theWilshire Ebell Theatre; as well as for the philanthropic workof The Ebell of Los Angeles through its Rest CottageAssociation and The Ebell Scholarship Program andprograms which educate and serve the community.

SUpporting us
When you give, you are supporting

arts and culture with a women’s perspective, inspiring educational programs, and diverse community events and Engagements.

View Our Donors
Secure the future by exploring Planned Giving opportunities at The Ebell of Los Angeles.

For many of our members and donors, Planned Giving is a preferred way to ensure a legacy gift to The Ebell.  Please contact  [insert name, email and phone number] to learn more about how to set up a planned gift.


This is the simplest way to include The Ebell of Los Angeles through planned giving. Through your will, you have the opportunity to perpetuate good works in a variety of ways. You may name The Ebell of Los Angeles, or Ebell Friends, as a residual beneficiary of an estate; as receiving a specific portion of the estate; as the recipient of a specified gift; as contingent beneficiary; or as one of the beneficiaries of the assets of a charitable remainder trust. A bequest also can be included in the body of your will or in addition to it (a codicil).

The easiest and most useful bequest to The Ebell is an unrestricted gift for general operating support of The Ebell’s ongoing physical campus maintenance, repairs, programs and staffing. The following is suggested language for making an unrestricted bequest in your will:

“I give (the sum of ____ dollars) or ( ____ percent of the residuary of my estate) to The Ebell of Los Angeles, 743 S. Lucerne Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90005 for its general purposes.”

Life Insurance

Life insurance policies and other vehicles can also be used to provide charitable gifts and still protect family wealth. The Ebell of Los Angeles can be named as the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy. The donor can receive a tax deduction for the value of the policy.

You also may purchase a new policy and name The Ebell as owner and beneficiary. By donating the money required for the premium payments directly to The Ebell, you receive a full tax deduction for these annual gifts.

Life insurance also can be purchased to replace other donated assets. For example, if you made a gift of cash or securities, you could purchase a policy for the amount of this gift to ensure that your family will be taken care of as well.

IRAs, 401(k), 403(b) and Other Qualified Retirement Plans

As in the case of life insurance, naming The Ebell of Los Angeles as a beneficiary of qualified retirement plan assets can provide a significant advantage to you. Intended for retirement income, many people are discovering that there are significant balances upon the death of the owner. There might be dramatic unintended tax consequences; including both estate and income tax. Naming The Ebell as beneficiary of those assets can save significant assets for your heirs.

Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts, Pooled Income Funds, and Charitable Gift Annuities

These gifts allow you to make a gift to The Ebell of Los Angeles and receive, in return, a lifetime income interest for yourself or specified beneficiaries.

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Cash or property is transferred to a trust that then distributes to the income beneficiary(ies) an amount equal to a fixed percentage of the trust’s fair market value. This type of trust provides a variable stream of income to the beneficiaries. Upon termination of the trust, its assets become part of The Ebell and are used for purposes specified by you, the donor.

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

An annuity trust pays income beneficiaries a fixed dollar amount, rather than a variable amount (as with a unitrust). In other respects, it is similar to a unitrust.

Pooled Income Fund

This combines your gift with those from other donors to create a common investment portfolio. Net income is paid in proportionate shares to donors and/or their beneficiaries. After the death of the income beneficiary(ies) designated by the donor, the share of the pooled income fund contributed by the donor becomes part of The Ebell, to be used as the donor has directed.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A transfer of cash or other property is made to The Ebell in exchange for a commitment to pay the donor a specified amount annually for the remainder of the donor’s life.

Invest in Arts and Culture. Support Community. Uplift Women. Celebrate Women’s Voices. Preserve our Campus.

Your support sustains arts, education and cultural programming at our historic campus. To learn more, or to inquire about the best way to support The Ebell that works for your needs, email us at