Thursday, November 12, at 12 noon – 1:00pm
“She refused to believe that being a woman limited her. She did what she wanted to do.”
The Ebell is proud to host Look What SHE Did! for an online screening event featuring female storytellers and filmmakers. Look What SHE Did! is a nonprofit that creates short (under four-minute) films about remarkable women who have changed the world.
Join us as we premiere three new films from their “Artists of Los Angeles” series, which features female artists from each of Los Angeles’ city council districts speaking about a woman who inspires them. Each film will be followed by a salon discussion with the artist/storyteller and film director.
Featured films include maskmaker Judy Leventhal speaking about artist, arts patron and founder of the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles Edith Wyle; poet Sholeh Wolpé speaking about Iranian filmmaker Forough Farrokhzad; and rock drummer Lisa Marie Maestas speaking about pioneering drummer Viola Smith.
The artists will be joined in conversation with directors, Julie Hébert, Tamar Halpern and Laurel Ollstein.
Look What SHE Did!’s Artists of Los Angeles series is presented thanks to grant funding from the California Arts Council and Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.