We extend our heartfelt condolences to long-time member Sandy Boeck who lost her beloved husband Bill on March 3 in the peace and comfort of his own home. Bill was a frequent Ebell visitor over the years, accompanying Sandy to many Ebell programs.
On March 29, conductor, composer, vocalist and filmmaker and Ebell member Brooke DeRosa was honored at the World Women Hour where she enchanted the audience with a selection from her new Alice in Wonderland musical production.
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Gloria Schnur, beloved mother of Randi Jones, on February 2 in Huntington, NY.
Congratulations to our accomplished member Wilma J. Pinder, newest member of the Board of Water & Power Commissioners, confirmed 3/11/2024 by L.A. City Council. With 30 years as an Assistant D.A., she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to LADWP.
Ebell member and acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Lisa See spoke and signed books at the at the L.A. Times Festival of Books where she was on a panel called “Who Runs the World? Girls!”.
Holiday Boutique Chair, Karlene Taylor, is out of rehab and recovering from long-awaited knee surgery. She would welcome calls from Ebell members and help in dog walking.
Any member news you’d like to share? Let us know.