Earlier this week it was my pleasure to participate in a new member orientation virtual meeting. We all gathered on Zoom for an hour to talk about the club and get to know our newest members.
What a delight to welcome a half dozen new members to our club!
Each person was motivated to join for a different reason but they were all excited to be part of our Ebell community of women. Some new members are local but others live across town, one a little further away in Long Beach. New member Ginger Conwell first found The Ebell of Long Beach but was disappointed to learn that the club was no longer operating. Then she found The Ebell of LA on Google and couldn’t wait to be part of a women’s club. Another new member, Breanne Metcalf got married at the club! In fact, Breanne’s was one of the last weddings held before the pandemic lockdown. She decided she wanted to join almost as soon as she decided she wanted to get married in our beautiful campus.
Another member said she was curious about us because she drives by our beautiful building on her way to work. In fact many members who live nearby are drawn to the building; they want to experience it in real time and and help us preserve this historic treasure. Unfortunately, some of our new members haven’t even had the opportunity to go inside! So, it struck me as I was listening to their various reasons for joining, that our community of women is equally as appealing as our exquisite building.
Whether you are a new member, a newish member or a longtime member, we are thrilled you are part of the Ebell community. There are lots of ways to get involved as you can see in this issue of the magazine. I hope you will participate in as much as you can.
My thanks to Membership Director Aretha Green and Meredyth Deighton, our Director of Membership and Programming, who is part of the staff, for their leadership in organizing our virtual gathering. We have nearly twenty new members and you can learn more about some of them in this month’s issue. More will be introduced next month and we hope we can always keep welcoming new members.