New Members Needed for Scholarship Committee

from Judith Day, Director Scholarship Committee

February 1, 2021

Dear Ebell Members,

We are seeking new members to join our scholarship committee. This is the perfect time to join as we are just getting started with our application process to prospective scholars.  It is rewarding work and a delight to get to meet and know our diverse group of scholars. We have a wonderful tradition of experienced members working closely with new members as we move through the application and selection process, so you will be well supported .

We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 10:30am.  We divide up our work into several subcommittees who set their own meetings according to need and availability of the subcommittee. There are two subcommittees in need of more members. These are, first, PR for Scholars, Members and the Public. This committee interviews scholars for articles that appear in our magazine or as highlights on our scholarship page of the Ebell Website.  The second subcommittee is Outreach, which works with our eligible two- and four-year institutions, giving them the information they need to help us recruit new applicants.

All committee members are involved in reviewing applications, interviewing new applicants and selecting our next class of scholars.

We hope you will consider, joining our committee.  Please reply by Monday, March, 1.  You may email me directly at if you are interested or want more information.

Thank You,
Judith Day
Director of Scholarship Program